10 Natural Remedies For Bacterial Infections

10 Natural Remedies For Bacterial Infections

Effective antibiotics usually get straight to work, and you may start feeling better within just a few hours. You should always pursue a course of antibiotic treatment to its final end rather than breaking off once you feel good again. As with antibiotic medications, natural antibiotics can leave behind resistant strains of bacteria if you don’t use them properly.

1) Garlic

Garlic is one of the natural world’s real antibiotic powerhouses. It’s effective against a wide range of harmful microorganisms, but it actually performs better than synthetic medications in terms of leaving helpful microorganisms unharmed. Besides fighting bacteria, garlic is also good against fungal infections and viruses, making it a must-have natural remedy for a host of different problems. Taking a few cloves of garlic every day is an effective way to treat many infectious diseases. It will have a positive effect against microbes, viral infections, parasitic diseases, staph infections, and much more.

2) Onions

Onions are closely related to garlic, so it’s no surprise that they have similar botanical benefits. Onions are an effective remedy for inflammation, pain, and soreness. These widely available home-grown plants are great for treating minor aches and pains. Other conditions that respond well to onions include angina and a range of respiratory ailments like persistent coughing.

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3) Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract started off with a sterling reputation for treating certain forms of parasitic infection. Modern research has shown that it’s also a terrific antifungal, antiviral, and antibiotic herbal medicine. The non-toxic compounds in grapefruit seed extract (commonly referred to as GSE) are best gathered from grapefruit which have been grown organically.



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4) Horseradish / Habanero

Both of these herbs are stimulants and vasodilators that help bolster the body’s own defenses against bacterial infection. By improving blood flow and raising the body’s core temperature, they make it easier for your own immune system to go to work.


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5) Vitamin C From Natural Fruits And Vegetables

Vitamin C enjoys a very well-proven reputation for helping your immune system to fight off a host of different health problems. Bacterial infections are very much included, as are viral infections and even more physical ailments like snake bites. You should always make fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content a part of your healthy diet, but make sure to get even more of them when you’re dealing with an infection. Vitamin C also helps promote faster growth and repair in your skin, making it effective for wound healing.


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6) Cinnamon

Cinnamon has been prized for millennia as both a delicious spice and a potent herbal medicine. Today essential oil extracted from cinnamon has proven itself in research to have effective antimicrobial properties that make it great for dealing with bacterial and fungal infections. Cinnamon in many different forms can be combined with other herbal remedies to deal with lots of issues like the common cold and influenza. Combining cinnamon with organic honey (see below) is particularly effective for treating respiratory ailments. This product is available on www.gen129organic.com


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7) Organic Honey

Honey has a great reputation as a healthy, natural sweetener, but scientists have discovered that certain strains deliver medicinal benefits far beyond simply tasting good. Organic honey is the common name for a specific blend that delivers exceptionally potent effects against a range of microscopic pathogens. This form of honey is a particularly impressive natural antibiotic because it does not appear to leave behind resistant organisms; this makes it suitable for repeated use. Thanks to the promising new information that’s still being uncovered about organic honey. Organic honey is available on  www.gen129organic.com

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8) Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, commonly abbreviated to ACV, is an old standby in the natural medicine chest. Its antibacterial properties come thanks to a compound known as malic corrosive which is also effective against viruses and other microorganisms. Because ACV is effective against a range of different infections that affect the airways, it makes a very good treatment for all sorts of respiratory and throat infections. This product is available on www.gen129organic.com

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9) Ginger

Ginger’s place in the world of natural medicine is quite secure, and it’s a common prescription for colds and flus. It also has a thermogenic effect, though, raising the body’s temperature and enabling the immune system to operate more efficiently. This makes ginger a great natural antibiotic. This product is available on www.gen129organic.com

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10) Olive Leaf

Olive leaf is a particularly promising natural antibiotic that works very well in concert with the human body. It functions as an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent that gets rid of harmful microorganisms while allowing beneficial bacteria to live unharmed.