What is your lymphatic system?
The lymphatic system is the largest circulatory system in your body – twice as big as your circulatory system! And yet, while your circulatory system has your heart to pump and clean your blood automatically, your lymph has NO built-in pump whatsoever. Lymph only moves manually through exercise, massage, and diet; which is why it’s so easy to get backed up with our modern lifestyle.

The lymphatic system was not fully understood in the Western world until as little as two decades ago – yet ancient systems of medicine such as TCM or Ayurveda see it as one of the first places to look for stagnation when the body is ill. Most country’s medical association historically ignores lymph stagnation as a cause of disease, whereas other countries such as Germany employ specialized Lymphatic Drainage techniques as a treatment for fibrocystic breast disease, cancer, kidney diseases, allergies, chronic sinusitis, arthritis, eczema, heart disease and more.

Symptoms of a sluggish lymphatic system
These symptoms are very common due to our sedentary lifestyles & stress. We all have this to some extent and always need to be conscious of moving our lymph!

water retention
skin breakouts or rashes (psoriasis, eczema etc)
poor skin tone
morning stiffness
fatigue & lethargy
general itching
joint pain
slow healing of cuts
uterine/breast/ovarian fibroids or cysts
breast tenderness before your period
swollen glands
an inability to lose weight.

Solution to Lymphatic Congestion

If you have any of these symptoms, be sure to…
take walks daily, especially after meals (even for just 10 minutes)
eat the white part of the orange!
consume red-staining foods (pure cranberry juice, blueberries, raspberries)
decrease the amount of time that you sit per day dry-brushing stimulates lymph flow,
jump on a rebounder for just a few minutes, a few times per day,
sip hot water throughout the day – keep some in a thermos and aim to take 1 or 2 sips every 15 minutes.