Sprains and strains


Sprains and strains: Although most of us will experience a sprain or a strain 22 some pointless in our lives, very few people know the difference between the two kinds of injuries.

Symptoms of Strain

  • Swelling
  • Muscle spasms or knots
  • A dull throb at other times
  • Acute pain when the muscle is in use

Symptoms of Sprain

  • Severe pain at time of Injury, subsiding into soreness
  • Swelling
  • Joint discoloration (indicative of a serious sprain)

Root Causes

  • Imbalance in oppositional muscles
  • Nutritional deficiencies, making one more susceptible to injury
  • Overstressing muscles or ligaments, usually through lifting, exercise, or by accident


You might not think of diets as an important part of healing an injury, but good nutritional choices in the weeks following a sprain or a strain can speed your recovery and reduce your pain.


You need lean protein to rebuild strong, elastic muscles and ligaments. Eat reasonable amounts of high-quality chicken, Turkey, and fish, and incorporate beans into your meals.