Acute bronchitis is a deep, wet, or dry cough that comes on bad lingers after an infection, such as a cold, sinusitis, or flu. The cough, which may start out dry and then turn productive, is the body's way of expelling infected mucus (Phlegm) from the lungs.
- A cough that may start out dry but that turns deep and productive, with thick clear or yellow mucus
- It usually follows a viral infection
- Chronic bronchitis
- Long bouts of acute bronchitis that recur frequently
- A persistent, constant cough that's worse upon waking
- Breathless
- Wheezing
Root Causes
Acute bronchitis:- Food or environmental allergens, causing excess mucus in the lungs
- Viral infection
- Smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke
- Food Allergies
- Environmental irritants (especially dust, pollen, animal dander, or mold)
- Cold, damp, foggy weather
Food to Avoid
Eliminate foods that encourage mucus production: dairy products, chocolate, and bananas, as well as processed, refined, fried, and junk foods. Avoid simple sugars, as they suppress immune function.
To thin mucus secretions, drink a glass of clean water every two waking hours. Homemade chicken soup also thins mucus. Add garlic or ginger for flavor and immune support.