
AIDS/HIV: the usually fatal condition beloved to be caused by Hiv no longer pose a grave public health threat. Hiv is transmitted via vaginal or anal sex or by blood-to-blood contact. It is vitally important for everyone to practice safe sex, preferably in the from of a monogamous relationship with an Hiv _ free partner, and to abstain from intravenous drug use.

Root Causes

  • Anal or vaginal sex with an infected partner
  • Blood-to-blood contact with an infected person (such as from sharing needles for intravenous drugs use)
  • Transfusions of infected blood (in the United States, Blood donations have been screened for Him since 1985)
  • In the womb at birth, or during breastfeeding


  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Fevers
  • Diarrhea
  • Weightloss
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Thrush (mouth fungus)
  • Herpes
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Bleeding gums


To reduce the risk of toxins entering your body , food should be as clean and pure as possible .if you cook meat and poultry at home, reduce your risk of food poisoning by keeping preparation areas sanitary and by cooking at high enough temperatures. Eat organic food, if it is available .if organic products are not an option, at least wash your food with pure water to get rid of pesticides and other toxins

Recommended Food

IF YOU HAVE HIV and AIDS, you absolutely must eat a good basic diet will include plenty of raw vegetables. Seeds, nuts, grains, fresh fruit, and lean protein from quality sources