Shrink Your Ovarian Cysts Naturally

Shrink Your Ovarian Cysts Naturally

This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for information only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions about your medical condition and/or current medication. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of something you have read here.

When an ovarian cyst is identified in your body, your physician will take the “watch and wait” approach to see if the ovarian cyst goes away on its own. Most of them do. Medications for pain are prescribed in the meantime, with surgery being the final step.

Luckily, while your physician is monitoring your situation, you can take a safe, proactive approach to getting rid of your cyst that, if successful, can prevent you from ever reaching the surgery step. Plus, it saves you a lot of money. Skip the medical bills and see how you can take control of your health and well-being.

Natural Prevention and Remedies

The key to getting rid of an ovarian cyst is to equalize your hormones and diminish factors that contribute to your cyst. Too much exposure to estrogen and xenoestrogen (estrogen imitators) can disrupt ovulation and lead to the formation of cysts.


Processed soy products e.g. soy protein isolate, imitation meat, commercial dairy products, inorganic meat,

They contain compounds that mimic estrogen, creating a hormonal imbalance.

Heating foods in plastic or storing hot foods in plastic

There are xenoestrogen chemicals in this material that get released into your food when heated. Use glass containers, stainless steel or ceramic plates instead.

Plastic water bottles

As difficult as this may seem, it important for the same reasons you should avoid plastic containers to ward off xenoestrogen.

Applying perfumes directly on your skin

Perfumes contain chemicals that interrupt hormonal balance.

Sugar is a NO, NO

Sugar causes inflammation in the body; continuous inflammation has been linked to some form of tumours and cancer. Sugar is hidden in a lot of processed food. Always read food labels. Steer clear of sugar if you are dealing with weight issues, hormonal imbalance, fibroids, or ovarian cyst. It is also advisable to minimize sugar intake even if you do not fall into this category.

It is also advisable to minimize the intake of simple carbohydrates that can raise sugar level and cause insulin resistance.

Maintain a healthy Weight

Healthy weight management is very critical when dealing with ovarian cyst. Healthy diet and lifestyle will help you achieve this goal.

Parabens in skin care products

They are found in many healthy foods at low levels. Your metabolic system makes them less strongly estrogenic, but applying parabens directly on your skin allows the body to absorb parabens while skipping the metabolic process.  It is advisable to choose skincare products made from natural ingredients. Check our online store for  healthy skin care products – www.gen129organic .com.

Try to:

Eat only organic meats and dairy:

To avoid additives in these products that can raise estrogen levels and promote the growth of cysts. High estrogen has been linked to many kinds of cancer. If you are dealing with weight issues, fibroids, hormonal imbalance, or ovarian cyst avoid dairy. There are other healthier sources of calcium.

Use natural detergent and bath Soap:

Many laundry detergents contain xenoestrogen chemicals that can seep into your skin while you’re wearing your clothes or taking your shower/bath. Check our organic bath wash/soap on our store – www.gen129organic .com

Reduce exposure to environmental Toxic

Fumes and other chemicals can disrupt hormonal balance. Avoid toxic environment and keep your home and surrounding clean and toxic free.

Reduce stress level

Stress weakens the immune system and expose our organs to all kinds of diseases. Take time out to relax and listen to good music, dance, and laugh a lot.

 Use herbal remedies:

These herbs can support a proper menstrual cycle, reduce ovarian pain, and increase circulation to the reproductive organs and support healthy liver function, which helps us eliminate toxins and excess hormones.

For information on specific dosing, speak to a herbalist or Naturopath who can find the right amount for you.

  • Maca root: helps the body produce progesterone. 
  • Black cohosh root: helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and relieves ovarian pain.
  • Milk thistle seed: supports hormonal balance and liver health.
  • Tribulus: normalizes ovulation.
  • Vitex (tree berry): regulates hormonal balance, promotes ovulation and improves the timing of menstrual cycle.
  • Yarrow: relieves pelvic congestion and improves the timing of menstrual cycle.

Do not use herbal remedies if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Use a castor oil pack:

A castor oil pack is a cloth soaked in castor oil and placed on the skin to enhance reproductive circulation and promote the healing of bodily tissues and organs. You can make your own at home.

Note: Castor oil should not be consumed or applied to broken skin. Avoid using this if you are pregnant, breast feeding or menstruating.


Abdominal massage promotes reproductive circulation and prevents blood clot. Abdominal massage should not be practice during menstruation.

Smoothie Recipe for shrinking ovarian cyst

Serves: 2-4

Prep time: 5 minutes


  • 4 organic oranges (any size)
  • 1 organic beet (any size)
  • 2 organic carrots (any size)
  • 1 inch ginger


  1. Wash, peel, and/or prepare the oranges, beet, and carrots, as desired.
  2. Put the oranges, beet, and carrots in a juicer and juice them. Alternatively, blend the ingredients in a blender to desired consistency.
  3. If desired, add organic honey.
  4. Serve immediately.
